Wednesday, 1 January 2014

Bells Ring out 2013 and In 2014

As the last few minutes of 2013 ticked away the bells of All Saints rang out to wish it farewell and as the year faded out so did the bells. On the stroke of midnight the tenor bell struck 12 before the remaining five bells joined in to sing out joyfully to welcome 2014. Some beautiful rounds and call changes were rung with one or two ringers breaking out in a sweat due to the speed of the ringing! Once we finished ringing a bottle of champagne was produced and with a loud pop the ringers toasted in the New Year. Then came another tower tradition the singing of Auld Lang Syne in the porch!
The New Year band consisted of Ted Conyers, Mark Tweedie, Helen Watson, Fiona Joisce, Richard Joisce, Janet Pender-Cudlip, Michael Pender-Cudlip, Lee Fox and Tower Captain Aaron Hall. Victoria Joisce took on the important du
ty of Time Keeper!

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